Let’s remind Space Edge how much better his life was when he was shooting heroin thread.

19  2019-04-19 by Nick_1989

u/SpaceEdge ... just shoot up again. Sobriety has brought you nothing. You’re still a fat thief. At least enjoy the good vibes heroin brings on a daily basis. Maybe you loose a couple pounds because of your newfound euphoria? It really can’t get worse.


How do we know he’s a heroin junkie? I hope there’s video

He treated reddit like his own personal Tumblr for almost a decade. That’s how we know.

Serious question: if a moderator dies suddenly, let’s say like a heroin overdose, how long until his account/mod privileges get removed?

I was banking on him being eaten by his cats after like 4 days of decomposition. Didn’t even consider how it would effect mod privileges.

He's currently deleting every comment and thread in his post history