Refugee checking in!

6  2019-04-19 by Belchides

Been a member of the old sub for past three years. During the whole Spaceedge Patrick saga, I was hoping he'd resigned and we could move on but unfortunately he's like banned everyone or something.

It's a shame really. Fatedge, under the guise of worrying that the Patrick stuff would get us shut down, ended up shutting down the sub anyway. Years of accomplishments erased from history. Somewhere out there, Potato Peeler and Pedophile are laughing about this. This is like Revenge of the Sith if it was written by Fatrick.

Hopefully this sub and grow and be as powerful as its predecessor. I really enjoyed the years of content you brothermans have given me no matter how dark, racist, and perverted it was.

PS when are we getting flairs back? I need it so I can identify my fellow Joe Materese Fanclub Members.



So you showed up after you no longer had a choice? Cool.


I was hoping he'd resigned and then we could make fun of him.

Or you could have come over here right away and made fun of him without the waiting.

I reiterate, faggot.

Dude chill the fuck out its not us against us its us against spacefag.

Bigger faggot. It's us against whoever the fuck we feel like. Take your "same team" nonsense and fuck yourself with it.

Say faggot more idiot.

I said it twice. Because there are two of you. That's the perfect amount of times to say it.

Still a faggot

Say faggot more, stupid.

Be a faggot more. Idiot

I thought about coming here earlier but thought was that he'd be forced out by now , the sub reunites and then this one would be dissolved. This obviously didnt work out since the coward destroyed the other sub.

Anyway, I'm looking forward for what is to come. You gotta stay positive!


“Thanks, guys. Punchin’ out!”

Who cares.

Welcome to earf!!!!!!!!!

Go fuck yourself traitor