If you look at Space Edge's history now it looks like he is nothing but a thieving opiate addict who scams small pharmacies.

90  2019-04-19 by GanzoDriver

I wonder what the police would have to say about that but I ain't no rat.


We have a word for people like u/SpaceEdge in my culture; Nigger.

; So what do you call them in your culture?

That's all he is

Not true. He also stole ipads and vape pens.

He’s also a piss drinker

I’m sure he is but how did this come out?

It was revealed on the old sub.

Yea but whats the context? Is this true like the vape pen? Or true like the child spit stuff?

What am I a grand jury? I don’t care. It’s true to me.

Well thats all the proof I needed

That’s the spirit!

He set the sub to private to hide the truth?

I’d like to believe the piss drinking stuff is what sent him over the (space) edge.

Don't make you a bad person, the theft and heroin abuse though...

Yeah you’re right. But he is most ashamed of the piss drinking.

As he should be.

Hard to argue

Let’s agree to agree.



Maybe kiss you?


Alright you win you fuck ha

Does that mean I get an iPad?

Mac book if you play your cards right 😉

Do you have a pool and a dinosaur in your back yard? If you have those and also a movie theater, I will pass out in there and let you finger me.

Haha holy shit!

There is nothing wrong with drinking the piss of pregnant women

Space Edge drinks piss straight from the dick. Female reproductive piss is fine. But, this guy lets black dudes piss right into his throat. Disturbing and shameful.

Hes also a pedophile

Scamming small pharmacies would be less embarrassing

This should be it's own thread

I posted it

Bundles probably means heroin

It does. It’s a bunch of heroin stamps together, usually “a gram” worth. Fucking loser has a 13+ year habit

A bundle is 10 bags.

Dude is a winner

Well yeah, thats all he is

The funniest thing is that this idiot is convinced that being a heroine addict is a normal thing and that most of the subreddit were heroine addicts too. He literally said this.