How to murder your wife and marry your mistress in one easy step!

60  2019-04-19 by Shlomo_Heeberstein


I like how we were always able to make these posts because neither Toolman nor SpaceEdge gave a shit about him. Good thing for us that he was never on Silicon Valley.

Also not a shitty sci-fi writer

A coward and a murderer.

For as much shit Chad Zumock gets from us, he did come thru and call him a spouse murderer on Twitter a few times. Not a coward or murderer.

I don’t know why you guys pick on him for killing his wife, it’s the only cool thing about him.

Thanks for the input Meredith Salenger

Meredith knows the game she’s playing, it’ll be tubby tits that has a stroke in his sleep next fall and she’ll be swimming in that Ratatouille money and snorting up Alice’s inheritance.

God that would be hilarious, then in a year she can marry a different fat, kinda meh guy

'How to fuck your kid so hard your wife dies'

We need a hard-hitting docu on this murderous dwarf. Porsalin, Beige, get on it, nigga.