Patrick Tomlinson paid me $375 of his girlfriend's money to have sex with my 9 year old daughter

13  2019-04-19 by iWhoreSchortSchorts

I have the receipts and this is very difficult for me to talk about but I am going to do my best to hold it together while I hit y'all with the facts. As you all know I'm a struggling WOC raising 3 kids on my own that was fired from my job the day Trump was elected when my boss called me to say he was firing me because I was quote, "a nigger." I tried following up with the labor board but they said I was shit out of luck since it was officially MAGA country now so I did my best to make due but nobody will hire POC anymore and as a result my finances dwindled to the brink of bankruptcy until on February 12th when a 40ish year old man with baby fat on his face stumbled up to me at Hooligan's bar with an offer to "desecrate" my 9 year old daughter. At first I adamantly refused because she was a child but I really needed the money and she insisted she would do it due to the fact that the only alternative was homelessness. I feel so dirty and I don't know else where to turn, all I ever do anymore is sob hysterically, this monster ruined my life.


You lived up to your username, OP. At least you accomplished something.

A damning and cautionary tale. Fatrick must be stopped.

Pathetic if true.