Joe sent me this, insisting that he is a "handsome man"

11  2019-04-19 by YangtzeRiverChina


tell this retard to wait 5 dats til we need a new retard to fuel th retardation

a heroin junkie power-ridden mod is better than a moron unaware that everyone is aware of his "bit"(moronicness)

Keep clinging to relevancy, Joe. What a disgraceful way to begin your golden years.

He's gotta be going nuts with all the attention he's missing out on

It's not real though. Someone payed him to do this. The Brother Joe Reddit accounts are all fake.


If you want to believe they are real go ahead, But they are fake sir.

Of course he has a framed "poster" of his own shitty band

Who is this guy again? He looks like a cow.

Is he trying to fuck you?

His 67th attempt at a handsome selfie and still a fucking slothface

Share his accompanying dick pic