126  2019-04-19 by MurderSpaceEdgePlz


i am not going to take shit

Except for this vape.

And these 2 iPads.

Did he fuck Anthony?


Won't take a meaningless ribbing from strangers on the internet but will take heroin and other soul-destroying drugs for years. Really got his priorities straight, that one!

He literally banned me five minutes ago for calling him a fatass & linking his theft video.

This absolute fat piece of fucking shit still finds himself entitled to mod not realizing the only reasonable option is to leave forever.

*kill himself forever

The more he fights it the worse it will be for him, just like every other target.

see that's what pisses me off, if you're going to fag out, be consistent about it, this wank lies constantly.

this stupid prick changes his tune every hour. it's ashame that og sub has been ruined due to a cross-eyed fag but fuck it

He has a theft video?? Can you please link it here

please do... have yet to see it

Yeah fuck this guy. I’ll agree to go back if he gives up the sub. He’s a faggot with a track record of going full retard every once in a while

Remember when talking about Chris Hardwick’s allegations was randomly against the rules too?

The comments are fucking great

I'm not going back to lorded over by a mordibly obese, drug addicted shoplifter with the emotional regulation of a bitch on the rag.

I don't understand the point of going back. This sub is like the old one if all of the crap posts were filtered out.

What a faggot. Truly doesn’t understand or get the sub. Needs to step down and never come back. No one comes back from this.

He needs to delete his reddit and start over at the bottom with some beefer pics and a rich vos plug. He needs to remember where he came from

I cut my teeth calling stinks a deadbeat for not paying that guy back from r/borrow. Pretty sure that was my first real sub scandal.

This place has passed him by. He needs to join a place like TACS and never come back. He won’t be able to take what we’re still saying about him years from now.

u/TargetedHarassment comment?

Only if he posts a video of himself returning all stolen merchandise and apologizing will I even consider. I can’t in good conscience, be associated with a scoundrel.

Also he has to promise to go on the Jenny Craig diet and post update photos every Friday. It horrifies me to think an obese person posts here.

Amnesty would imply people did something wrong and he is forgiving them. It's the other way around, stupid.

Too late now anyways.

I like how he's trying to smooth shit over only now that he might have a genuine threat to his mod status.

n-no it's a joke, i was here!

he will die and we get to fawkin laff

I'll go back there if he steps down, but one of the mods here needs to take full control

Why can’t you make a post about the removal of a post?

Because calling those faggots out would show everyone how much of a faggot they are and they don't want the secret to slip out. Little do they know we already knew how awful the mods were.

Dear god. He is such a sniveling turd.

He needs to also step down as a mod..

Only if he removes himself as mod, and removes himself from living should anyone consider moving back.

I chose a bad time to unsubscribe from this place

why would you willingly make yourself the target of this sub's hatred, especially if you know full well what we're capable of?

Pathetic if true.

You can hear the needle braking on the faggorty meter.

Banned as well

He’s a full of shit, POS cunt-boy. Worst moderator ever. No one should go back to the other sub until he OD’s. He pissed me off more than any of you regulars ever did. He’s a self serving bag of vomit. Die.

Goddamnit I’m starting to like joe now

Is this the new lolcow account?

Hat in hand, fists unclenched.