Nice quality content, stupid.

46  2019-04-18 by chodetomlinson


I think that Patrick S. Tomlinson is the last person that should ever be pointing a finger at a supposed rapist.

Professional wordsmith and comic, ladies and gentlemen.

He posts something and within 9 seconds it's screencapped. Amazing.

I have alerts on for him on Instagram. I’m making a public record for posterity. Centuries from now, our descendants will look back on this sub and think, “It was the most savage, prettiest place on the internet.”

I believe that is called "doing the lords work."

Keeping receipts


imagine making a drink as a bartender and a doughy, creepy 40 year old man asks you to pose for his instagram


I have alerts for killakuhn in case he's murdered in prison

He does realize any government document looks like this right? I know this isn't breaking ground but he really is losing his mind and I am loving every second of it.

A results. This man pretends to be a writer.

I love how one sided people bitch about redactions.

Did he change his cat's name yet?

Needs more words

the joke needs more descriptors

This is how literally every government report looks... what an absolute shithead.

it looks like a DNA test results from one of

Professional writer, obviously.

Nice rape joke, child.

Bit wordy, and the grammatical error is quite distracting. Other than that, great joke, fatboy

As far as redactions go, this is pretty much on par with how these things always look, if not less than the typical. Deluded pedophile.

has so many redactions

unlike the edit of a Patrick Tomlinson novel

This fat faggot tried to censor an entire subreddit.

He isn’t only one

Pat's victims don't live to tell the tale.