He's a goddamn monster...

58  2019-04-18 by crookedmile


That's some impressive use of the Enhance button

Very clearly for NZ and Australia. He's waiting for a trade in

Good catch I’m sure the rabbit hole goes all the way up to the DNC kid fuckers as well

Up until I clicked this link, I liked the show, The Orville.

Fat only likes it because he rips off plotlines for his shitty books

He used to actually tweet at Seth McFarlane begging for a job.

Before he was banned from Twitter for making death threats, of course.

Very important investigative work has been done here. You may also notice that he has taken this picture from the fat girl angle, alas to no avail.


Now we need to stop this evil!

his tits look very small here

This sub is funnier than the old faggy sub