Mods who suck less cock than /u/SpaceEdge (14/365)

40  2019-04-18 by crookedmile


Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

Well they got the head part right at least.

Well the trolls start coming and they don't stop coming Tried to post a rule but they left the place shunning Didn't make sense not to post for Pat The posts weren't funny and his body wasn't fat

So much to block, so much to ban So what's wrong with taking it in the back end? You'll never know if you don't go (to my bumhole) You'll never shine if you don't blow

Hey now, I'm a faggot, come and join me, go gay Hey now, I'm a faggot, doing heroin, huff raid

I can't even recall the original lyrics now

Stepping on Edgeshells? Might as well be walkin on the sun

Tssss wait

Dat's hot

Hey now, no job at Rockstar They don't need you You're ..... gay