Alt-right pundit/comedian Patrick S. Tomlinson racial remarks 5/11/17 Milwaukee WI

139  2019-04-18 by LittleStJames


I’m shaking.

I'm literally shaking, child.

Yep, i was there that night. Worse than Kramer.

If only the deep fake technology could work with a handful of shitty blurry YouTube videos.

The audacity of this racist monster to flaunt his sickening beliefs on stage.

That's racist

Thank you

I'm so glad Patrick S. Tomlinson is no longer able to spread his hatred and bigoted beliefs on Twitter.

We saved Twitter

Yo, this shit is off the wall

legit one of the funniest things i've seen on this sub

what software did you use?

MyTalkingPet Pro

How'd you make this?

1488, child

You mean 1588 child

That'd be 1593, stupid fucking gay faggot

This guy's a real jerk.

Oh, my sweet summer child. This video is clearly doctored.

Yeah he’s not as physically attractive as the video makes it look.

Make him show us his guitar that will speed up and slow down the rotation of the earth.

You shouldn’t be giving a platform to this racist . You’re only emboldening him to spread more hate.

Is it true that this guy has an upcoming book titled, "Nigger Repo" where he details his plan for shipping all African American's back to Africa?

No human being known to exist has ever read a Patrick Tomlinson book so there is nobody to ask, therefore I would have to assume what you heard is true until he denies it.

This footage doesn't lie. How can Instagram continue to give this bigot a platform???


Guess I forgot to laugh!


I'm loving his goldeneye n64 head.

Hey this Fatrick guy doesn’t sound so bad after all

It's bad enough he's a fucking racist and terrible comedian. The fact that he plagiarizes the venom he spews and just parrots what he hears makes him some kind of...well...child.