My friend hired SpaceEdge to do lawn work. He felt bad for him with his drug problem and wanted to chuck a few dollars his way. He left him for afternoon and returned home to find him in his 14 year old daughters bedroom smelling her underwear. When confronted...

22  2019-04-17 by MarbleSpaceCat

.... He told him to say "nothing to nobody" or he would "pluck the cherry straight from the vine"

I'm not really sure what that means, especially since they don't grow on vines.

What a weird and bad guy.


I have no reason to believe otherwise so it has to be true

He's never denied it which is basically an admission of guilt as far as I'm concerned.

Can confirm, I'm fucking your friend behind his wife's back.


I unironically did this when I was 14 and was trusted to water a neighbor's plants. Came in some too.