"Hot take, I've never thought Norm Macdonald was funny and was pretty sure all my comedy friends who did were either nuts or screwing with me." — Patrick S. Tomlinson (@stealthygeek) September 11, 2018

15  2019-04-17 by MonsignorScurrility

Fatrick did 9/11


I bet he wished he'd just kept masturbating to the footage of white people jumping from the burning buildings, as was his custom, and kept his fat fucking fingers off of Twitter.

I'll take bets he never writes another book.

I don't agree that he's ever written one. That shit is awful.

NeverForget 9/11

You know, I busted his chops about it at the time, but I didn't even know the sad truth, that he actually did think he had "friends in comedy", he just actually thinks that being an open mic hack = comic.

You should have said "aspiring", tubbers. It would have been more honest, but I suppose acting like youre something that you're not is kind of your whole brand.

It's kind of his political firebrand

fat faggot

Food Stamp Fatrick