only people with 9+ inch penises post here

88  2019-04-17 by throwawawyy2


Dats fawkin good

Hey there are WOC that post ever here as well. Well, theres a WOC.

my point stands. Having a 9 inch dick on your stomach is still having one technically

I don’t have a 9” dick, but I’m 6’1. Basically the same thing.

I'm 6"1' with a 9" inch dick and I can tell you it's not the same thing. Please Leave. (Before you guys get jealous I also have nerve damage in my balls from fucking so much so it's not all fun and games over here.)

Thoughts and prayers.

That's a real fucking pity, was hoping to post here. My penis has really been nothing but a disappointment.


Can we leave this fucking meme on the hack reddit

I only have 8" :(

Perhaps more than that.

And, somewhere, Norton just created an alt to ask for pics.

Then i should post here twice

I'm only 8.8 but with my jelging and stretching routine I hope to be there in a few months like the rest of you.

This is fucking gay and retarded. Are you trying to repulse new subscribers?

I cant relate, but the small dick coalition stands behind our new banner