"Come back when it breaks a 1000 and I will apologetically swallow your cum." -- User from the old sub who wouldn't join this one because it only had 611 members.

68  2019-04-17 by beigedocumentaryfan

Link to the exchange.

u/praise_st_mel we just broke 1000. Get ready for your sundae. Extra nuts.


He just wanted the cum

When he's done it's my turn next

u/praise_st_mel... yeah, I remember all his classic posts. Will hardly be a sub without him.

Haha but you had to tag me? Go enjoy your new sub dude!

nice passive aggression, faggot

I copied and pasted it from his post title because I could type it out from memory. Because I've never heard of you.

For the record I too copy and pasted it from that thread.

STFU and drink his cum already

I was kind of skeptical about this new sub thing until I read your gay fucking posts. Enjoy the old sub dude!

Seriously. The guy is a nondescript jabroni. Leave his faggy ass on old subreddit with the rest of the losers. Stick to Jim and Sam updates and Beefers, bitch boy

Thats not why I didn't join. I just want an excuse to suck some dick.

Well now you've turned me around on the matter

so whats the excuse for all the rest of your days on this planet?

Maybe I wanted an excuse for a change of pace. I've been an unapologetic 'mo for too long now.

Ban that nigger pre-emptively

All in for the scorched-earth policy

Scorched-earth policies are PFG.

In a rite-aid???

Isn't that how this whole thing started? That's it, I'm making my own sub!

nobody knows who you are or gives a fuck if youre here or not

This whole thing started with me being asked by some fruit to come join in, and when I said no I was asked why. So there!

he must have confused you with a valued member, our sincere apologies. you can go now.

1,275 users now.

How's the original sub going? Having fun there?

I'll probably sit the fence for a while and eventually slink over here like the shameful mook I am. Still on for filling my gullet with jizz?

That was actually a different user you were gonna drain the balls of. I just wanted to watch.

I won't tell if you don't.

Anal at 2k.