I don't know dick about the internet...

25  2019-04-17 by Tippy_Toms_Shitlogs

But somehow u/SpaceEdge has deleted every alt I made before I even posted.

Fuck you, you elderly, weird eyed, retard.


IP banned?

But then why not always IP ban? I've had like 6 alts on this shitty website

Probably gets a thrill out of wasting peoples time. Its either that or shoot up again, his schedule is pretty light

Hes probably just banning any account that signs up. Hes trying to kill the place intentionally.

It's really easy to set the automod to auto-remove accounts with less than a set amount of karma, or to set a minimum account age to be allowed to post. They're not manually deleting the posts, they're just letting automod do it.

Does he not have a job? Goodness

My guess is no.

His job is to convert air, and food (also heroin) into pure faggotry.

Heres come the subpoenas

Here comes the pre.

Are you 16 years old?

I am! Also, my step dad is being a real chode. Can you and your internet friends help me beat him up.