Mods on that other sub

19  2019-04-17 by D0WhatN0w

Apparently now that they have driven us out they are chumming it up with the leftovers. Never seen those faggots posting so much, also really seem to be enjoying running out porsalin. Faggots


Also why are we sharing a mod with that shithole?

Of course, they're trying to bail out all the water with cups while the iceberg continues to lay that bitch open.

Get big green faggot off the mod list here, what the fuck were they thinking

I can't believe how many faggots came out of the woodwork after out best posters got banned. Have fun with the Jim and Sam updates from the mod's pet nigger, bonniesretardedsister

Its amazing the levels of faggotry that are happening. I'm glad I'm banned. I feel dirty knowing there were so many unfunny queers swimming around me just waiting for a sign of weakness to toss out a chip joke. Faggots all of them. Hope they get digital AIDS