Anthony and Joe and probably having celebratory pedophile sex in regards to the sub shutting down, and that makes me sick.

12  2019-04-17 by JD_Free

We can’t let them win. We will never die.


It didn't shut down. It moved down the street, away from the lazy eyed crackhead landlord

Our sense of community is unwavering

We BeBe's kids. We don't die, we multiply.

I think Joe is sad. He more than anyone loved that place like an abused girlfriend. The more we hit him the more he felt loved. Poor sad spit drinker.

We made him feel famous, which is why he always poked us. It was quite the symbiotic relationship.

We survive = we win.

I just checked. My last name’s not Cumia. I still win.

I have gorgeous hair and I love my Mom, who was never a working prostitute. I’d rather be a productive, happy American rather than lazy Cumia trash.