It's okay, guys. He's done giving us airtime. Not anymore. There's no need.

10  2019-04-17 by ClintWiseblood


Listen i really wouldn't mind if things got a lot worse for him. I wouldn't encourage that though obviously

Honestly, you’d tell us if you didn’t. Genuinely.

Wow, I didn't know Liz Clarke was such a racist bigot!!! I don't think her readers are aware of her double life as a hatemonger online. If only they could Google her name and find a Free Speech Network of some type, telling the TRUTH about this female Nazi incel. If only.

I think SpaceNiggerEdge is putting the kibosh and fucking with ancillary character in Pat's life. Might be what did in the last sub.

a new migration may be needed, fan art is not PFG

He's doing it to preserve the sub while the heat's on. Dye your fucking hair like the rest of us, Ponyboy motherfucker.

These are the measures we must take to avoid being struck down in our youth, before our time. These measures are only temporary until we're all on the same page and know how to toe the line without giving them a reason to ban us.

Fuck that. She's taken a ton of pot shots (tsss more like pot-pie shots) at us and is a public figure as an author of fat girl self help books or whatever bullshit she's cranking out. Besides smegma curds out of her big fat stinkhole.

Both of these dickheads have fired on us a hundred times each.

No justice, no beef(ers.)

Also he's doing to to preserve the sub while the heat's on. Dye your fucking hair like the rest of us, Ponyboy motherfucker.

These are the measures we must take to avoid being struck down in our youth, before our time. These measures are only temporary until we're all on the same page and know how to toe the line without giving them a reason to ban us.

Jehniv is a good egg

This victory lap is the most revolting thing.

I don't run victory laps, I run half marathons, child

He hasn't posted on Facebook in almost a week. He's down to just Instagram. I wonder if FB banned him again. Would be funny, since he would have lasted about a day after his previous ban.

They did. He got banned for the same thing less than a day later. Dumbshit knew what photo got him banned, but left the identical photo up on a different post with a different caption, so that one got him banned right when he returned.