List of phrases that make you a certified Faggot

6  2019-04-16 by Anthonysmcmansion

"My guy"

"My dude"

"Whatsup, Boss?"

"what in the actual fuck"

"a million times this"

"Fucking lit"
"Me thinks"



"That's a yikes from me"

"that aint it, chief"

Any sort of reference to Chip Chipperson


Top Kek and conversely Chudd should be on this list

"if you don't like it you can bounce"


It's the worst...IT'S THE WWWORST!


"thats gonna be a no from me"

"so... yeah"

"jesus take the wheel"

"______.jpg" (look ma I visit le 4chan xDD)

"x is best y"

"cyka blyat"

any pupper/doggo speak

Geez, sis. Lets unpack this

"Full stop."

Nice fascism, my guy

Yall. Even if youre from the south you should stop saying it