Its your civic duty to get this sub off the ground. Upvote everything and mention it to everyone.

63  2019-04-16 by throwawawyy2

Space edge will not divide us!


Yes. Also watch out for people that post shit that will get this sub shut down.

I dont wanna see any Pat posting

I dont even know who that guy is, so knock it off

He's definitely doing everything he possibly can to get this place shut down as we speak. I remember a few years ago when r/spaceedgeisafag was created because of some nonsense he was pulling at the time and he had it shut down within a week.

I'm sure he'd happily tank every sub including his own before giving up his little bit of power. Total faggot he is.

great username

I remember a few years ago when r/spaceedgeisafag

That was a great sub made by great men.

Sir yes sir!!!!

Doin what I can brotherman! (and canning what I do....they're called brothercans)

This could be a great opportunity to break out my infamous army of alt accounts.

picked up a couple hundreds subscribers in the past 24 hours.

Make sure to unsubscribe from the other place.