Dawn's house is almost as shitty as Joe's

3  2019-04-16 by CumiasLove2Doxxx


The fuck is up with all the doxxing shit today? All on either new accounts or accounts that have never posted on an o&a sub before?

My guess is everyone's on alts because they've been banned from the other sub.

If you just got banned from the other sub recently, why would you be using an alt here

Probably too lazy to log out of their new account and back into the old one.

He's got doxx in the username, so I'm going to go out on an limb and guess that the account was created for this express purpose.

This is Joe, 100%. Look at the fucking username. Who else even bothers to know where Dawn lives? Joe just went into his phone contacts and pulled up Maps and took a screen, thinking he was clever.

Please don't harass Dawn.

No one wants to. There's a reason she doesn't get fucked with for the most part and never has. Whoever posted this is just trying to goad someone into doing something stupid, like that jackoff that was linking people to Edge's phone number and address. The dipshits think we'll terrorize everybody just because.

Marginally better tits though.

Uh can we not post Dawn's house?

This is Joe trying to get us in trouble. 100%.