Jon Fitch makes second video defending Brandon Schwab and addressing the negative comments from the first video.

1  2019-08-15 by varamyr6skin


Jon appears to be slightly on the spectrum as he cannot help himself from answering every single negative comment. Its reminiscent of another asperger-esque dickhead who also couldn't help himself, I forget his name but he was a douche.

This meathead has potential to bring us plenty of joy for the months to come. Please do not disregard.

I don’t know, he’s clearly not the brightest and somewhat missed the point, but I’m pretty sure he agrees that the documentary itself shouldn’t have been taken down. Even if he disagrees with what it was saying at least he doesn’t think it should have been censored.

Yeah man, he is shit talking Beige the whole time and also agreeing with 95% of what he covered in the doc.

It is very odd behavior.

A bit of cognitive dissonance going on

Yup, I think deep down he is a honest guy and his subconscience won't let him just openly say crazy shit without adding "caveats" to each statement.

Who and who?

Exactly and exactly

What the fuck am I posting...?

Not gonna watch, but fuck Schaub, forever.

This guy has had more long, grinding, slow moving and boring fights than any other fighter on planet earth, so i suppose it's natural he'd have a podcast that exemplifies all these characteristics.

This guy reads evry comment? My head's buzzing with ideas, but at an absolute minimum we could get a free 'Feed Nana' by dropping it in the comments.