Bar Rescue asked Sam to order a beef on wick....

1  2019-08-15 by AiCPearlJam

"I was nervous because I don't usually order stuff like that, so I tried to act casual...."

Yes, he actually said this.


Did Jim say anything about having been asked to not act like a complete fag?

That had the edit out his insane blinking

The had to hire a CGI house to remove all the blinking.

Superglue would have been so much more economical

The prince of New Rochelle does not eat such peasant food! Only the finest chicken tenders and plain pizza money can buy!

Hahahaha does Sammy really eat only plain pizza? What a fucking fag.

Does he really live in New Rochelle?

New Roc City baby


Imagine being a grown man and being afraid/nervous to order a fucking sandwich.

Sam Roberts is not a man. Take it back

Is there any clip of this dog shit tv appearance?

I can't imagine the embarrassment Jess must feel when she brings her husband to holiday dinners with her family. "No don't worry about it, dad, he doesn't eat its not a religious thing he just...sigh, just let me know when the hams out of the oven so I can heat up his goddamn chicken nuggets".

Their turkey for Thanksgiving gets stuffed with dinosaur chicken nuggets and that green ketchup that was around ten years ago.

Jess is a jew, they don't eat ham

Nice reading comprehension stupid.

Jess is no innocent in this, she bred with a beast hence shall be treated as equal to one

Leviticus 20:16 And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Can't argue with the Classics.

Were they talking about retards?

The Beast With Two Hacks

Jess should pull Sam's mutilated cock out at family dinners and tell her parents to look at that monstrosity.

Ol' P.B. Roberts

And he shows up in a wrestling shirt and a jacket with a shitty cartoon of himself on the back of it.

Why would two man babies who have never had a drink as adult men be on a show about improving bars?

Did James Moretown sermonise about his fake alcohol addiction?

they also do wwe and mma shows

Sam was puzzled that the beer he got was dark. He thinks its all supposed to look like piss. " Is it supposed to be this dark?"

These guys fucking suck even on a scripted show.

The fact that Sam Roberts has a career in radio is baffling. I know we all love Opie now but he deserves a lot of the blame for backing Sam for all those years, despite the fact that Sam has zero talent for radio and by all account is a straight up piece of shit to most people he's worked with.

Apparently the women in the clip who gets in a row with the bar owner went after Sam and Jim in the car park and told them to fuck off. Those two fruits wouldn't deal well with confrontation i suspect they just said nothing and slide off into the night

"Okay, okay, it's your show, lady!" - Tremblin' Jimmy Norton

We brought in two people that wouldn't like any of this even if it was done right.

It's beef on weck, you twat.

Who the fuck orders more than one entree?

Ill bet Jim still took home the leftovers.


man that show is fucking horrible, that over dramatized "reality" tv bullshit, looks like a show from 2004. At least kitchen nightmare has gordon ramsey, he's somewhat compelling, but that john faffer guy is a tool. Anyways, i guess Jim and Sam were introduced as "two bar experts" one guy doesn't drink and the other guy eats like an 8 year old child.