<--Number of ciggies Carol smokes per day

1  2019-08-15 by TheWelfareMan


I read a rumor online that she calls then niggerettes and when she smokes them, she mimics the pleas and screams of burning lynching victims and then chuckles.

Is it true? Legally, I for one doubt it. But you can never be too careful around these types.

No, you heard it here first folks. Its confirmed 100% true.

Oh, good. I was trembling in fear that Joeh's lawyer was better than ours.

Our lawyers have a tough case though. Joe has a picture of ONE black girl that will be used as Exhibit A to prove hes NOT A PEDOPHILE or a racist.

I always thought that was Layla

Basically Rosa Parks


This is all accurate except those that were lynched weren't necessarily "victims". They were often times lying, cheating, murdering, raping, stealing, you know what's of the bad side of killa kuhn persuasion, if you catch my drift. But I did hear the same thing, regardless

Joe you made love to me reel good. Now can you go to the 7/11 and get me a carton of Misty’s and a liter of Mt Dew

Quit trying to get upvotes; this shit is annoying and too much like regular reddit