Cum Town is unbearably bad now

9  2019-08-14 by smashthafunk

I know, I know it's been shit for awhile. However, it's really gotten to the point of unlistenable. Just a look at their subreddit is now fucking nauseating. It's a shame because Nick Mullen is funny but I guess he's just a lazy dude who wants an easy job. Between his brain dead woke takes, annoying cackle and lack of a desire to better himself or know anything, Stav has easily become the obnoxious worst. Adam is a Joe Cumia level welfare queen that steamrolls over jokes. That show definitely had its good moments but its just dead now


Back to old clips of O&A huh

Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast is okay for now

Hi. Legit I start at Ep 1 of Matt and Shane or is there a more logical entry point after the gain their footing? I want to give it a chance but most podcasts are so unlistenable. Thanks for the advice. I’ll give it a shot.

I've just been bouncing around. I really don't know

Same; I don't think there's any real sort of arc, other than their names for things.

I just started with the most recent. Became a huge fan and went in the backlogs after that.

I think that's the best route. Matt and Shane fucking rule though. Best podcast out.

"this piece of shit is starting to smell like shit now"

Stopped listening last year because of Stavros. His disruptive behavior made me angry when he went from cackling and breaking the flow to outright screaming.

Same here, I have tried to get into Cumtown several times, totaling a dozen shows or so. I genuinely like Mullen, and I tolerated Adam, but Stavros is hateable, unfunny, and has no redeeming qualities as a podcaster or at all. I gave up because of him...without him I’d be paying for it on Patreon.

Mullen is a funny fucker but I cannot get over how unbearably bad the other two are, it legit makes the entire thing un-listenable (hot take I know)...

I agree, that fat Greek fuck is somehow worse than the rich, sheltered, unfunny Jew. He's the stupidest person in podcasting by far. His complete lack of knowledge in any domain is infuriating, he knows absolutely nothing about anything. It's not funny or 'cute'. He adds absolutely nothing, whines a lot about nothing, has to have shit explained to him every 5 seconds, wants to finish episodes early... Fat people and their laziness disgust me.

They're both complete sycophants, does Nick not have any self-respect or confidence? He'd be better off doing a podcast on his own like Burr does (without the noisy angry black woman.)

I've never been able to focus on cumtown for an entire episode despite wanting to like it, a nigga out here starvin for content. Mullen should go solo and ditch the empty weight.

Well there's always the your mom's house podcast

That whole theogate thing was fascinating. It was so obviously a bit, but people are that shit up. I knew people who were trying to convince me it was real.

I've never been able to listen regularly. I normally listen to a few episodes in a row and then have to tap out for a few months because Stavros just grinds on me. He's by far the worst person I've ever heard in radio or podcasting. He's not funny, he's stupid, he's loud, and he is constantly interjecting his faggot politics and ruining the flow. I hate him so much.

Adam isn't funny really but he can at least go with a bit and is a good punching bag for Nick.

That show has never been listenable.

Fuck cumtown

I stopped listening when the Home Improvement theme song went away. I need a good intro to enjoy a show.

Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast uses "Wild, Wild West" by Wil Smith, if you'd like to give that a shot.

ironically using a shitty song from when they were younger is pretty hack

I guess [Nick]'s just a lazy dude who wants an easy job.

He's just a mess psychologically and can't deal with success. He was much happier doing standup part-time, working menial jobs and living in a slum than he is earning $50k a month via Patreon, plus the occasional TV writing gig.

Stav's a lazy fuck who can riff well with Nick, but only if Nick starts it; he brings nothing to the pod otherwise.

Adam's a piece of shit who will mysteriously fail upwards into owning a comedy club once the pod finally falls apart. The good news is lately he's gone from killing bits to just shutting up and saying "that's funny" every now and again. Plus he often wanders off rather than hanging around for his 2-hour-a-week, $12k-a-month paycheck which again improves the pod.

Stav's a lazy fuck

I don't want to speak good about Stav, but he actually tours the country doing stand up

To be fair, they were also just a slightly less illiterate Chapo. At least they wouldn't burst into flames if they ever touched an economics text book unlike the Chapos.

The episode without Adam and Stav(those Matt and Shane guys and a girl were on instead) and it was sooo much fuckin better. It was actual funny conversations and riffs on funny topics, instead of the same repetitive “I’m gay” songs, which are funny when not done to death, and the whole add the word retard or nigger to anything. I think stav perpetuates it the most. He always got a lot of hate and I didn’t think he was that bad, I don’t even mind the laugh, but I’ve come to the conclusion he’s what’s wrong with it. He is Nick Mullen’s absolute least funny and repetitive side amplified and magnified. It’s felt recently like they were heading toward discussions, but Stav c would rather actively try to keep the show in the “I’m gay” song range and random references to the words pussy and titties, and just overall be Nicks echo nonstop. He’s 2012 Opie level

The most recent episode with a Jackass Bam reality show spin off guy is easily one of the worst, most boring episodes they've done. Their Epstein and conspiracy episodes are usually some of my favorite, this piece of shit had me thinking wistfully of Jim interviewing a pornstar.

"Yeah... I'm thinking I'm Black."