Even if you have autism, like a lot of you here do, you can still get the girl.

10  2019-08-14 by schmuckOnWheels


Everything is about her isn't it.

She really moved her target from being a naughty dirty girl to mom spokesperson. She is going become more obnoxious than the last mutation.

Mutation is apt. She looks like Cartmans trapper keeper

People are fucking desperate to have stupid babies I swear to god.

At least Mrs. Piggy is wife material, unlike JoeH’s leather bag.

Wife material until the money dries up, then you're just left with a sassy pig monster.

This fat pig looks like the guy who has an IQ of 63 and lives in Dallas as a sort of homeless person. Here he is: Bob Schumer

If the little nigga ends up autistic he'll be posting here in no time.

A little Braunheiser in the making.

She's so out of touch.

This is just reaching for any kind of exposure.

She is probably figuring out that the industry is done with her already.

That article is insanity. Don’t say “cope” when talking about disabilities, because it’s offensive to people with disabilities. I’m having an aneurysm.

How will you cope?

"Am I supposed to hope my son isn't like that"

Uh yeah piggy. Most people would prefer for their kid to not be a socially awkward retard.

And yet here we all are

No one wants their kid here

My parents would be so disappointed in me if they knew this was how I spend my time.

I don't think I could disappoint my mom more without Cumia as my last name.

I’d be disappointed if he liked the Big Bang theory and nascar not if he has ASD.

Dur, I'd rather my son have a life long disability than have bad taste. Sounds like she's going to be a great parent.

The baby is just going to be a bully shield that she will hide behind. Because anyone that says mean things now that she is a mom will be seen as an asshole and she can milk being a victim.

I thought she was joking when she posted that her kid's name was Genital Fissure, like the oxytocin had accidentally made her funny for a second or something.

She’ll force the thing to be trans in 6 or 7 yrs to get some proud&brave points.

She got the guy!

She's happy to surround herself with the mentally disabled so she feels superior. Cumia blood?

My mom copes by drinking cheap booze and insulting me. Then she sends me out to Panera to work so she can spend my meager earnings on her booze. Circle of life.

Speak for yourself. Faggot.

No you are

You mean Genital Fissure?

I forgot that she existed.

This asshole has to know there's a fine line between a very high-functioning person with Asperger's like her husband and a kid who smears their own shit on the walls because they're obsessed with doing so and who is so violent their parents live in constant fear. I think those people are coping.