Nice media empire, stupid.

23  2019-08-13 by FreshTurnips1


Remember his managing skills, he'll get it going in no time

That whole green screen thing could actually be cool, if they did it right and fucked around with it to be stupid. But they don't.

I wrote a sketch where it starts off looking professional newsreader-ish, but then every ending is the greenscreen 'accidently' gets knock down, revealing it's in a chinese restaurant, fish & chip shop, etc

Basically, if you're totally incompetent at least make it look deliberate.

They could be 80s MTV and just do weird shit like a fish bowl or space. But they want the set to look like a micro-budget game show.

Exactly, even trippy shit would be funny, have it change for the whole show depending on what they talk about. Play videos. etc

Nice non-ironed cheap Amazon Basics green muslin screen, stupid.