Just a reminder that little nobody faggot worm Jim Norton went on the biggest podcast in the world and did this

41  2019-08-13 by throwaway201985


“No I’m listening. Ohhh ok”

God I hate him

He’s a coward

If it ain't tranny whores, egg whites or shitty butt rock from the 80s fancyman James Norton ain't buying what you're selling.

And then goes home and wonders why everybody hates him.

I kinda respect that, fuck Rogan.


dis vaudeville nigga overacts in real life

Haha we didn't even have to photoshop that one.

I'm listening. Genuinely. I wouldn't motherfuck you like that. Joe.

You can tell, he kept going back to his phone and back to Rogan and Rogan got fed up with it. Either way, fuck both those short bald messes.

Elon Musk helps design and builds rockets and makes plans to go to mars; and he managed to go an entire JRE episode without looking at his phone. This is a CEO of several companies and one of the most famous, busiest people on the planet. Jim is a Z-list obscure radio host nobody know, with no real career/job and nobody loves him, and still couldn't put his stupid fucking phone down for an hour. Jim's sense of entitlement and self-importance is absolutely beyond all comprehension. I genuinely hope Jim dies soon.

Elon also has a family and kids, Morton is spending all his fans money on giant Euro cam whore

She accepted tokens from some guy she wasn't supposed to be talking to, it's a tough one man because I gave her a lot more tokens and now I'm brooding

So dark

By brooding he means edging.

"yeah I'm listening, genuinely, hey do you think you could take me on tour with you?"

Isn't this the podcast where he admitted to taking AIDS medication?

Lol yep. And when he was asked why he gave the most weasel non-answer.

what was the reason or non answer?

There’s really none. If we’re drawing inferences, it’s because he was getting bottomed by a dick (Princess Alena) or another “lady.” But going on prep if you’re straight makes very little sense. It’s super hard to contract HIV if you’re putting the pee in the slit.

This is a tough one dude. Norton is on his phone, which is unacceptable, but Rogan is rambling about some bullshit nobody would give a fuck about. It’s a tough call, genuinely.