Brother joe is what in Italy we call “ mucca frocio spompinatore di tori che si fa spanare il culo dai senegalesi”
9 2019-08-13 by spolrak123
If you really were italiano you would know
9 2019-08-13 by spolrak123
If you really were italiano you would know
1 ElFaporino 2019-08-13
Take this noodle talk and ram it up your sisters box
1 spolrak123 2019-08-13
La Fica di tua mamma puzza di senegal
1 ElFaporino 2019-08-13
Your mother pays fica
1 JamesJCrowe 2019-08-13
It smells like an Olive Garden in here now.
1 zoogie778 2019-08-13
"Hospitaliano!" - Adam F.
1 varamyr6skin 2019-08-13
Haha "ass stripped by Senegalese"
1 mraddit 2019-08-13
Nah we call Joe Cumia "Fredo"
1 spolrak123 2019-08-13
He is Into the same kind of activities
1 HuxleyOverOrwell 2019-08-13
We could just go with egg plant instead.
1 jjoharanyc1 2019-08-13
Mia madre è stuprata en Senegal.
1 Leofan7 2019-08-13
"Do you mind if Sollozzo and I speak in Italian? I gotta go to the bathroom."