Reminder: Anth was fired for racist tweets and not for saying live on-air that he'd fucked a 13 y/o

59  2019-08-13 by ohmycawd


Don't spread such vicious lies about people. He never said that he had fucked a 13 year old child, he just said that he wanted to.

He also talked about having a (I think) 14 year old girlfriend when he was like 22.

thoose guys were always the coolest what the fuck is the girl thinking?

Epstein wouldn't allow Long Island dago trash on his island. He associated with a higher class of kid-fucker.

He doesn't want to associate with the likes of cumias


How would he blackmail them?

"I'll tell everyone you fuck kids"

"Oh everyone knows about that"

he said 9 years old twisted mother fucker

he'd = he would

Don't forget he initially said a 9 year old and was surprised by the reaction so he changed the age to 13.

And then he was downright offended when no one else in the room agreed with 13, he’s a degenerate that thinks everyone else is degenerate too

Just like Jimmy when he got mad at people in the studio who said they never did gay shit as children.

The right kind of 13.

The kind of 13 where they look a bit older, but with no tits and a giant hog. Then you can buy their silence with a tit job after eating a few loads.

When he said 9 he just added 4 what he really meant was 5. Sick savages those cumias are.

Remember when he had to take his girlfriend to a pediatrics section of the hospital

Which he boasted about.

Yeah. He talked about like it was a common guy story.

Now, I would not boast about that, and I don't think you would, but if you did do it you certainly wouldn't boast about it.

yeah imagine if he never become rich lol he would still be married to that sexy woman that Joe was to good for lol like even the girls he had at the compound were not that hot even though he has money one tried to fuck Colin Quinn

Imagine taking a drugged/drunk minor to a pediatric ER and have to lie to them that you are just their "friend" because if you admit that you are fucking them they will probably have you in jail for a number of things. Then in the morning brag about it on a radio show and expect people to be envious of his life.

Definitely had to tell the nurses he was her uncle.


Remember when the worm had funny characters?

No. We don’t.

According to Alex Jones, Anthony was fired for supporting Donald Trump. Noice troy wit da hate do

"They're saying I have sex with TRANSSEXUALS!"

Did he deny it? I can't remember.

I believe he once said Anth was “fired for standing up to the new world order”

lol the used to really mock truthers and alex jones the fucking worm even tried to get Jesse ventura to attack him so he might become famous i think Alex really felt bad for Anthony

Hogan and his team are relentless

Anthony's inability to read social situations or reason about other people's mental states makes me wonder if he has a neurological disorder. Only somebody with a severe lack of empathy and 'theory of mind' would make the statements that he has made repeatedly on the air. His reasoning for getting married was particularly bizarre - other people think I'm a kid, so if I get married, then they won't think I'm a kid. It never occurred to him that marrying your brother's sloppy seconds is weird, disgusting and doesn't make you an adult in the eyes of normal human beings.

You think he didnt know what he was doing when he got a retard that he molested his sister, got drunk, smacked him, sprayed chemicals in his face calling him a nigger?
What about all his cool selfies?

There’s no excuse for his behavior and I’m not making one for him. I just find it bizarre that he doesn’t understand how normal people think; most degenerate pieces of shit know not to talk about their degeneracy because they understand how normal people think. AntH, on the other hand, doesn’t understand that talking about his perversions is horrifying to 99.9% of the population.

other people think I'm a kid, so if I get married, then they won't think I'm a kid.

I'm into kids, so if I get married, then they won't think I'm into kids.

Much like Ericclapton while hanging with Super Cumio Brothers and Mr. Love, this logic is


Or that making a large decision such as marrying a woman shouldn't be based on impressing a handful of drunks at a bar.

Or that having threesomes with consenting adults was so scandalous that it was worth settling out of court so it wasn't part of the legal record.

The threesomes were with his brother.

And KurtLlove aka Jeffrey Hollander.

That's the thing that amuses me the most - he was so concerned about their perception of him, which is pathetic to begin with, that his solution was to marry his brother's ex, which makes him look way worse. He cares so much about what others think yet has no understanding of HOW they think. He lacks the basic reasoning skills to discern what other people find acceptable which is weird, as most perverts try to hide their perversions at all costs. Not Anthony, who fucking brags about them and is genuinely shocked when others claim they don't find 13 year olds hot.

He was raised by an incredibly abusive and neglectful father, and developed an extreme form of narcissism because of it. Him and his brother both. I think they were so mistreated and shit-upon in their youth that they were forced to adopt this attitude of "I’m God’s gift to the world" in order to compensate.

I’m not making excuses for Ant and Joe, but their awful personalities basically stem from child abuse. Joe Sr. was an abjectly terrible person.

The jew executives of sirius probably have 13 year old girlfriends of their own.

The lower the number, the more heterosexual Ant thinks it is.

Actually the number was 8

Sirius is run by jews, did you not think pedophilia was on the up and up?