In the past 24 hrs, Conservative 58-year old Anthony Cumia tweeted 157 times. 22-year old reality star Kylie Jenner tweeted her 28M followers 3 times during that period.

140  2019-08-13 by Kenn_Kennnerson


Well she is a billionaire that runs companies that make lots of money while he runs a sad network that might not even have more than a thousand subscribers.

Excuse me sir but Compound Media is a multimillion dollar corporation.

Burning millions on your company doesn't make it a multimillion-dollar corporation

lol Artie Lange was to "toxic" for the man that talked about young girls

But Anthony claimed 100,000 subscribers. You calling him a liar?

You calling him a liar?

Well I ain't calling him a Truther

flat eart

Well she is a billionaire

She's not - Forbes declared her to be just shy of a billionaire but they have no idea whether she is or not, because her companies aren't publicly traded so they can't see their books (just like Compound).

Oh yeah I guess her and Anthony are pretty much equally successful and famous when you put it like that.

So so so so you're saying that Anthony could also be a billionaire?

All his money is tied up in his hair system and Keith's boat.

and the settlement to Bobos sister

he has to get fucked in the ass by Tyrone first like Kim Jews are twisted

Agree and glad you pointed this out. I know I’m a faggot for giving a care but this whole thing calling her a billionaire is such lazy shitty journalism. They press really are scuuuuumbags man.

It gets even worse. All the financial info that's been disclosed by that company has been released by her mom who acts as her manager. It's all a PR stunt which resulted in heaps of coverage. Also, this Kylie chick may actually be retarded if you've ever heard her speak. She's the face of a company that has an incredible marketing team. Her stake in the company is vague and ANY company that can go from zero to a billion dollars within a few years would be insanely debt-financed. I think they tried to push the narrative that she "reinvested her earnings" to enable her company growth.

It’s based off projections of sales many years out assuming insane multiples and growth with no increased costs and never taking into account any dip in popularity of the kardashian brand since it’s al the company has going for it. Sales had plateaud and even gone down but nobody in press really addresses it outside of two articles I read. In short it’s shit and same type of reporting that claims the worm is an edgy comic or that Anthony is white.

Are you suggesting that the Kardashian finances are managed by an ex-cop?

no Arabs count as white its 2019

so if i make a sex tape with an african american gentelman can i become famous? she used to be Paris Hitlins groupis lol how does Paris feel today?

...And Rise Again!

lol they pay her a check to use her name shes not really a Bad Bitch running a compony is alot of work

Yes but does kylie have a team consisting of the best of the best? like keith the homosexual, Big A, ,Brother Joe??? I didnt think so.

Kylie is actually the anti-BroJoe. She had famous siblings with money and decided that, rather than simply stick her hand out like an undignified asshole, she would try to earn her own living. Kylie Jenner is 10000x the man that Old Joey Low T is.

She also sucks WAYYYYY less BBC than Samcro

Yeah I bet she really pulled herself up by her bootstraps and got to work and totally wasn’t handed a career because of who she’s related to.

why do you give a fuck, faggot? you even made a post bitching about it. get a fucking grip

shouldn't you & the 9 other queers be helping u/NeverDoxTonyBanana with his 'magnum opus'?

Imagine defending sellout, devil worshipping celebrities. God damn I can’t wait until the UN nukes your piece of shit fallen nation lmao.

you cocolos really do say any old shit to fit your narrative. when did I defend this bitch, huh?

i know the forum closing down must have been a huge blow but to react how you & all the other waterheads have is unbelievable. sure there's no mods you wanna call out whilst you're here? seems like the norm for you bores

Only a faggot would think saying someone is better than brother Joe is defending them. It's like saying you're more accomplished than an amoeba.

Which part of what I said is any less true based on what you wrote? She has siblings who are worth millions and decided to parlay that into a net worth that is potentially three times what any of the rest of her family is worth. Was she supposed to not do that, because in your cavernous skull someone is only truly working hard if they came from nothing? Ya turkey.

I just don’t think she should be celebrated as some amazing business woman you fucking retard. Go worship more celebrities you soulless piece of shit faggot.

Pathetic if true.

He lives to be validated

How the fuck did he ever cope before Twitter? I've never heard of a person his age being so badly addicted to social media (well other than a certain retarded cow and his addiction to this place).

What a sad, brain damaged old queen he is.

He’s not married, doesn’t have any kids. It would seem that everyone in his social circle is either just like him or doesn’t have the balls to be a real friend and say no or stop.

the people he surrounds himself with so he does not feel like a biger loser


Where he was praised incessantly

Or you were banned


Another reminder of why Joe is such an embarrassment. Quoting his brother's thin-skinnedness more than TEN YEARS after the fact.

i thought you guys kept geting him baned lol i went to Gab and you people wrote some funny stuff on his acount strange he feels safe now

You could the same for all of society. What the hell did we do 15 years ago? We were fortunate enough then to have never discovered this, and we were content with simple shit. Now we opened up Pandora’s box and arent satisfied unless we do things MY WAY, my way or the highwaaaaay!



i looked at a playboy magizne lol we were in the dark ages before internet

Before that it was PalTalk and day trading.


Anthony is a fredo/chooch

If any major celebrity started tweeting like Nana everyone would ah fuck it you get my point.

He got paid millions to give his opinion on an exclusive platform and got fired for using one everybody has access to. This fact makes me happy

how is Sirus XM still making money have you tried hearing Howards new shows who famous over there now?


A lot of retards think that. You need someone to keep you in line in order to do get shit done. Why so many Kickstarter projects don't pan out or end up being garbage.

I honestly think Anthony had some ambition when he started Cumpound Media

He didn't. By his own admission, Keith had to basically drag him off the couch to get him to do it. He seems to think this is a point of pride rather than the embarrassment it is.

He gave up the second he realized it took work.

Past Boston, Ant has felt entitled to fans and thought being funny would carry him through anything. He wanted Keith to do all the grown-up stuff while he just danced around on camera four days a week and assumed all the old fans thought he was better than ever.

Sorry, Ant. Not only have I never paid one cent to Sirius or CP Media, I don't his increasingly tired and wet-brained humor a reason to pay $11 a month, nor do I need MAGA-tard political confirmation bias from someone who has never read a book in his life.

lol they way they used to talk about us well whos laughing now and Brotherman was the normal one

lol he thought he could ride the alt right but even we have standards there are literally thousands of better podcasts out there with no budget he has a green screen fro what lol


And yet Compound Media is more tightly controlled than Sirius ever was.

On Sirius you can say pretty much anything and express any opinion, as long as it isn’t an apocalyptic racist meltdown on Twitter at 4 in the morning.

At Compound Media, if you express any opinion that’s slightly left of Vern Schillinger, or if you criticize Anthony or a member of his entourage in any way, you are curtly dismisses.

No management, indeed.

Oh but despite the iron fist control that Anthony has over his network, apparently showing 20 minutes late every day and calling out sick 70% of the time is kosher.

Ant is the worst kind of tyrant: a cowardly tyrant.

blame the jews for that most people theese days dont understand power and abuse it no matter how small have you been to the airport if you look at someone wrong your ISIS there saving our country

yeah iam alt right and hate anthony Artie was his last shot now podcast on bitshute get more viewers

lol Howard was probloy fucking with them moving them into small offices ect guests book radio having more heat

Does that count retweets?

Yes. Good point. 157 is totally reasonable if you include retweets

This is really sad.

He "works" two hours a day, four days a week, what the fuck else is he going to do with his time??

Mentally deranged faggot.

Anth "58 years young" Cumia

Anthony Cumia is a faggot and a loser. I hope this helps.