Interestingly & ironically, the plot to dethrone ILYJohnnyCakes and initiate some sort of coup against him is the funniest thing to show up on this sub. MOAR PLS! The amazing posts about it have generated hilarious comments. This crazy coup is the best thing to happen here! <3

0  2019-08-11 by BearMolestation

Thanks coup!


Nice computer heart, stupid.

Be more funny

who the fuck are you shit dick?

popped up about a week ago & was throwing the words 'bigot', 'nazi' & 'racist' at some members. they must be real fucking bored with that PST voat sub (23 members strong) to start this crap

No wonder you hate fun with that shit mouth.

Sorry that was rude.

I meant to say thank you for cleaning my dick.

it’s the internet just say what you mean to say silly

Cool posts on TheDonald. Be the change you want to see. Faggot.

Shut the fuck up and die stupid