No moos is good news: 2 days with no Joe

29  2019-08-11 by billdipshitbellamy

The last two days have been a breath of fresh air with Joe gone. I just posted a Joe meme, but it's been nice not seeing his stupid face in every post.


I think he finally realized he isn’t going to win. You can’t keep us down. It’s so easy to get him worked up and watch him try the “This doesn’t bother me” routine.

I think he finally realized he isn’t going to win.

No Cumia has that much self-awareness. He's probably just made a new account and waiting out the probationary 3 days. Nigga can't stay away.

Ask /u/N64cube he says the DMCAs come in harder than ever when Joe stops posting. He’s pathetically addicted to us.

He's back at it with the dcmas against beige

Imagine if he had this much determination or dedication for something meaningful, like being a good parent or son to his dying old mother.

I got a three day van for making a post about ‘things that factually proved so far about Anth.” This mother fucker is on his Netscape browser right now.

I got a 7 day day ban (phishin) for asking you fine people to please not mess with his gigs anymore. Genuinely. I honestly dont want you guys to do it. Id tel you if i did.

Just because he isn't posting dosnt mean he moved on. He is still here all day.

I did see some anti Joe stuff that was down voted.

“All the really good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow. “

I hope Joe is busy with a lawyer filing his subpoena.

Are you sure it's not a lawyer filling his rectum?

Big Apple Ranch is having the yearly crowning of its glory hole champion,Joe is busy defending his title

He is here been downvoting all day.