Casual af fan: what happened to erock??

2  2019-08-09 by busabro5000



poor guy had a fucking stroke

He has continued to gain weight and is allegedly an alcoholic who works for Compound Media. Also, he refuses to release his screenplay or even tell us the title.

Give him a break. He's hard at work building his podcast empire.

Pretty cool, huh?

Something about Sliders

he couldn't handle that Sam got an onair job with Jim so he quit Sirius and now takes photos of bbq'd meats and fancy beverages.

For real?? Sam's radio voice sucks tbh



He is doing what he has been always doing best, eating and living in vaugery

High Fructose Corn Syrup

He's a fat, useless sack of shit like he's always been.

Spoken like a true wasteman

He on vacay at fatlantis. Eating ice cream of of martini glasses cuz all the bowls are dirty from him eating so much ice cream

Ate himself retarded

u/itseriknagel comment?

He consumes more calories than he expels.

The slovenly tub of shit continued to eat himself to death. He also continued to be completely talentless yet somehow stumble into job after job. He currently looks like a morbidly obese child with down syndrome.

Is his compound show still a thing? Legit not one word about it after someone posted the debit episode here

He past

He works at CP media and posts on gonewild

He works at wallmart in Arizona

His fat has caused him to morph into an obese Asian with a touch of downs

Shawn F broke his overworked heart.