I'm Anthony Cumia's brother, does anyone have anything to say to me?

119  2019-08-09 by Amish_Supremacist


Your average Great Ape is likely more intelligent and responsible than any Cumia.

They also have bigger dicks

I’m Edgar Roberts, son of Primetime Sam Roberts

Ankle poppin' ape.

Does anyone remember that show The Mighty Jungle? There was an orangutan with a British accent and Tony Danzer voiced a crocodile. It sucked.

I'm kinda surprised Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp hasn't made a late-night comeback.

Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp is an American action/adventure comedy series that originally aired on ABC from September 12, 1970 to January 2, 1971. The Saturday morning live-action film series featured a cast of *chimpanzees given apparent speaking roles by overdubbing with human voices. *

Fuckin' Wikipedia ruins everything.

You are a shitty guitarist with no life skills

Louis CK when he crossed the Mexican border

congrats on finally losing most of the weight!

Pretty sure Sam and Anthony aren’t related

Yes. I went to see 2U at Fagan's Ale House on St Patricks Day 2006. I didn't really have a great time, and there was puke in the urinal. Comment?

You are clearly NOT one of the 1M fans whose faces have been fawkken RAWKED SKIN MELTED. 2U has a 10000% satisfaction guarantee, a AAA++++ rating on eBay, and fabricated stats that are mathematically impossible nonsense.

The sad part is he actually said that out loud.

He thought there was going to some kind of reddit crowd there to heckle them. It was way better than that. Fucking NOBODY but a hefty lefty and he still got shook by her.

Better hair than Anthony

I could have fucked her cause I'm 1' 6"

The eyes look too intelligent. Other than that it’s uncanny.

Good likeness.


Yeah... Why do you use a lame ass Digitech multi effects processor for your gay U2 shit and not the actual pedals The Edge uses? MR MAAAAN!!

Cocks to big but you almost had me

Almost, but the orangutan is more handsome and has a bigger dick.

Close but no cigar! Wish there was a confused, obese mountain goat out there, I'm sure a close up would resemble Joe pretty well.

I've always found it hilarious that they consider them selves to be white. Arrest records, guns, domestic abuse, crack smoking, kid touching.