Is Jim’s on air shtick supposed to be at least in part an Everyman like angry rant? I’m confused.

13  2019-08-09 by HighCommander_

What does this worthless 60 year old have to complain about? He literally became a millionaire off of a second tier radio show in a third wheel position talking about how awful a person he is.

Not for nothing his fanbase should complain about celebrating a fraud. Had this little bottom queen come out years ago he’d have far more recognition based on his “bravery” than his definitively “I’m not gay but I love gay AIDS” act than he does now. Though he’d probably have had far less not gay sex despite his partner’s very obvious cock.


Just come outta the closet already.

He’s 50 not 60

He’s 51 he was just rounding up. Anyway 50 is the new 60 when you have HIV.

Fair enough

Are the ages ever right on here? I just make up a number everytime I mention it.

I think I get it now, so If Joe was 11 we would say he was 20

Stealing Big Cat’s bit. Unoriginal faggot.