Fag From Brooklyn

19  2019-08-07 by SteakSauce66


This is that squinty-eyed cocksucker’s new account in case anyone wants to have a spot of fun.

I want him to have a spot of skin cancer

If these brain dead slobs love Twitter so much why do they keep saying the same things over and over that gets them banned? They're not people

He's a Jew so you are indeed correct

There is no amount of dead rodents he could send to Anthony Cumia or his brother to redeem himself.


This chimney-sweeping, geriatric faggot actually cares about who follows him on Twitter.

Does he think he has to use a Trump avatar because everyone at twitter would instantly recognize the famous Fred from Brooklyn?

You don't go that incognito unless you're really somebody

Look at him beg Anthony to follow him. What a fat, pathetic, dick-licking faggot.

Imagine that being the high point of your life.

He cried about Dave Landcow not following him too.

Remember, this obese slob almost died a few months ago from an ingrown hair in his disgusting, unwashed, bacteria infested armpit: https://i.imgur.com/YStnj4q.png

“Somehow” got infected.

Edit Stressing the importance in axillism of the (unlubricated) friction being confined to the penile shaft, Alex Comfort saw armpit intercourse as "Not an outstandingly rewarding trick but worth trying if you like the idea".[10]

Problems may, however, arise in a relationship when penis to armpit contact (axillism) becomes an exclusive sexual necessity for the man – something which can produce long-term sexual desire disorder in a couple.[11]

And he has a club foot

Let’s hope he pulls a William Holden then.

Drunkenly bleeding out after smashing his head on an end table?

Too painless?

If you're on Twitter make sure to go call him stupid

Has this lummox's legs rotted off, yet?