MFW I squirt 💦

25  2019-08-07 by JadenSmithPhilosophy


Please mark this NSFW. I nearly vomited.

Done. Sorry about that.

That's a wrinkled prune in human form.

Who is this old man again?

Steven Tyler from Aerosmith.

Dude looks like a lady alright - a lady from 1894.

nothing like old lady breath on your cock.

She squirts corn kernels and brown sauce.

She looks like the one woman that had her face torn off by a chimp. But worse.

Mickey Rourke really did just fall apart.

This is disgusting and vile. I thought they banned the watchpeopledie subreddit!


She's just an older lady that is dumb enough to date Joe. Its not her fault he came on here bragging about her being the urination sensation.

I've never seen liver spots on someone's forehead before.