Joseph Cumia Supports Pedophiles

15  2019-08-07 by Garbageman2244

Hey Joe (bet you've tried to cover that countless times, you unoriginal faggot),

While I don't have proof that you've fucked kids, I do have proof that your brother has (via his own confession), and that you welcome them into your home (at least two that we know of). You've also perjured yourself on national TV, are a virulent racist, regularly endanger your daughter, are a documented domestic abuser, haven't held a real job in decades, and have the vacant, unintelligent eyes of a cow. I could go on but I feel like I'm losing my audience...

Go ahead and prove me wrong. Denounce your brother (and your allowance). Show us that those tweets on immmmgurrrr are doctored. Get Layla (lol) to school on time. Take an eye-Q test. You won't because you can't.

My name is Phil McRevis and I live in Los Angeles. Come and get me. Discovery will be a fucking laugh-riot. Let me know if you need my IP, mailing address, phone number, or anything else.

Also, your brother fucks transexuals.
