Fact: Joe Cumia spends more time here on Reddit filing DMCAs and humiliating himself than working at a real job.

43  2019-08-06 by chex_and_texlemeneux

Joe couldn't even last a month working at Wendy's or Wal-Mart. He'd drool all over the food.


It's okay.

I heard Layla is finally getting a Big Sister assigned.

*Big Brotha

He’d steal the food just like him and his fellow nigger brother used to steal from their neighbors

I'll take the #7. I'm not a pedophile. Excuse me..I'll take the #7. She was 17, I'm not a pedophile

Or raising his daughter or helping others.

The Cumias also HATED Trump initially because fox News told them that he was ruining it for the "real" republican candidates.

They hire retards for greeters at WalMart - he may be under qualified for that job.