Joe Cumia (retard) bought Trump playing cards. His mongoloidism knows no bounds

23  2019-08-06 by treefortcumia


HAHA stupud REDDITARD!!!! Those are going to be worth A LOT of $ someday. Joe noes a good investment when he SEES ONE!!!😎🤣😂😎😎💲💲💲💲🐮🐮🐮

Just like everyone wanting George Bush's paintings

He also sleeps with Trumps book standing on his dresser.

Oh, has he read it?

Remember in Police Academy when Steve Guttenberg puts shoe polish on the megaphone to give the instructor shitlips? On an unrelated note Joe Cumia is a fat faggot

Remember Donkey Lips drop Salute Your Shorts? Haha, get it? He was a mushmouth! We should start calling Saiyanz "Donkey Lips" now.

In other news, Joe is a goober

Donkey Lips put out a 9/10 min stream on YT where he was drunk and just admitted that he in fact does have a Micro Peen and that hes not ashamed of it. Of course 30 mins later the video was taken down.

They must be rare, it's not like Trump owns a casino where everything is branded.

Bro they're trending to 5x when he's out of office. That's a cool 20 dollar profit. Sounds like you're jealous of bro Joe's entrepreneurial spirit.

What if Joe is actually Bobo's father.

When he dies those Trump cards will be the first thing in the dumpster.