Joe cumia launders money from his brother through brother joe entertainment

32  2019-08-06 by CannoliKing

I'm sure the IRS would love for hear about it


Joe can’t spell IRS.

Anthony laundered Sue Lightning's cum through his asshole

Joe Cumia Math: My reported income is everything I'm left with at the end of the year after I buy shitty guitars, take Disney vacations, and hide the bulk of my cash in my mattress.

That's not how it works Joe.

There’s also depreciation claims on that squirt (piss) soaked mattress.

Don't forget the amortization of his child spit

Why is Low T Joe washing his brother's money?

And Anthony hides casino winnings from the IRS.

Dont they take the taxes out at the casino? That's what they do when I cash in.

Might be a state thing. I never left a casino paying taxes.