No man should have an Instagram account

21  2019-08-05 by JMueller2012

It’s for women and gay people


Instagram is acceptable if you're looking, not posting. Snapchat on the other hand is for women and gay people.

They’re both fucking retarded women shit

That we can agree on

Maybe if you're under 25 but after 30 if you dont need it for your business you're a queer

i only have one for following the women superstars of WWE. nothing gay about that, they are hot babes!

I bet you respect them as the incredible athletes they are .


Eva Marie came into my office a few months ago with her hot Asian friend. Jesus Titty Fucking Christ, she’s HOT in person!

i mean i got laid a lot from it probably more than anywhere else

Did the guys buy you dinner at least?

Instagram is your one-stop shop for all your stupid whore needs.

I don’t mind it. There’s way less opportunity for people to incessantly post their political views. I actually can keep up with my friends on it, which is what social media was actually supposed to be for.

If you have enough time to take a picture of something such as food or yourself doing a daily activity and post it on social media, you haven't progressed mentally passed the age of a 14-year-old girl.

How else am I supposed to show people what I ate that day?

You show people the next day in the toilet, like a real man.

Thanks, Papaw.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. All gay and for women.

I pretty sure your confusing Instagram with guys who have accounts to 8chan & 4chan