There’s no way Ant’s twitter survives the night. It’s time to stand up against this hatred, gang — now!

45  2019-08-04 by ZombieRoeCumia


Most people don’t give a shit. Also Nana, you aren’t even white you North African swindler.

He doesn’t understand that southern Italians were the Mexicans and Arabs of the early 1900s

Mainland Italians don't consider Sicilians to be Italian.

his stupid avatar looks straight out of Aldin

Most people don’t give a shit.

Which is why you all deserve your incoming third world living conditions.

Wrap yourself in the flag and jerk off

Disagree. Most people give too much of a shit, especially when it comes to stories from these types of sources. Chicago Reporter was started during the civil rights era by activists for activists in Chicago. Media outlets like these are set up to pander to their audience regardless of whether you agree with them and in a lot of cases they are meant to pander specifically to the outrage of people who disagree with them. All people like Ant do is inadvertently support these things they hate by paying them any attention. He's doing that newspaper a favor by linking their article. People need to learn to grow some thicker fucking skin and ignore this shit. It's on the consumer to stop letting these media outlets profit from outrage.

Shut up, Nigger.

Make me, Norton-obsessed hack.

Haha swindler. Hahaha

He seriously thinks he's oppressed because minorities exist.

I think it’s more about how minorities openly celebrate the dwindling birth rates and displacement of white people.

That might be hard for your female (and black) brain to understand.

It's "headlines like this". Being so fragile that you can't stand an analysis on demographic trends. This might be hard for your white nationalist brain to comprehend, but some people don't feel threatened by this stuff.

Except these types of reports are rarely just an analysis on demographic trends. It’s always mixed with opinion/fluff about how it’s a good thing and how whitey needs to go.

Also, if you can’t see the increasing normalization of anti-white racism or prejudice then you’re living under a rock. Just two days ago I saw a tweet that literally just said “FUCK WHITE MEN” and it had over 100k likes.

I wonder how long that tweet would get to stay up if it said “FUCK any other race here”?

This isn’t going to end here. It’s brainwashing and dehumanization and in 20 years white people are in serious trouble with you animals.

You wonder how long a tweet would stay up if it said fuck any other race? You realize there are entire websites where white supremacists are encouraging each other and making their plans and drafting manifestos?

Both of you smell yourselves and re-calibrate.

Even if the guy you're responding to is being a bit if worry wart (pardon my French), I think you're being obtuse by equating Twitter with the general existence of hate sites.

His point has less to do with the fact that extremist fringe websites exist but rather that mainstream social media sites -- whose user base includes world leaders -- seem to take a far more lax stance on racism directed towards whites than other races.

That said, if both of you could shut the hell up, that'd be terrific!

Twitter is one of the largest platforms in the world, where a single act of moderation effects more people than the entire traffic footprint of any manifesto site. What a stupid fucking comparison, im sure you being a jigaboo has nothing to do with your opinion.

Have you ever tried Gab?

Yes the magnitude of the loss of a couple dozen shooting victims and their families is nothing compared to the thousands of people "effected" by a corporation not allowing them to voice their hatred for minorities. You got me there.

Can we put aside our differences to just agree Ant is a delusional coon?

Dude. I like almost all your posts, but you are really being a pig headed ass backwards whiny bitch little faggot today. And you think that it's the rest of us that " just don't get it". Do yourself a favor and remember to kick with the right foot and swing with the left off a chair

Okay so tell me where I’m wrong.

Except these types of reports are rarely just an analysis on demographic trends. It’s always mixed with opinion/fluff about how it’s a good thing and how whitey needs to go.

Citation needed, bud. You're just a scared and sensitive pussy.

nehh we'll keep the non-whites down, we always do. we're damn good at oppressing.

Every white nationalist, without exception, is a huge fucking loser.


Remember: Ant has no kids. If he really believes he’s white, he’s only hurting the white race.

Who the fuck is celebrating you unbelievable retard? The headline was a factual statement and it didn't offer an opinion on the matter. You are literally failing at third grade reading comprehension.

stopped clock and all that

Our Nana is actually looking for teenagers that ran from bullets to argue with and fuck.

You can report with this form and add comments about his previous bans

Thank you for your service! All 17 of us should have no problem getting this done!

Please add a link to his current account

That avatar pic is even gayer than his old one was.

At least he acknowledges that actual photographs of him are too hideous for public consumption. Imagine being so ugly that you feel more confident sharing a cartoon caricature of yourself with the world than a real picture. Yet he still insists on having a "visual element" to his shitty podcast. He's almost as confused as he is grotesque.

"Only sane people adhere to laws."

Looks up Ants mugshot.


Short dresses cause rape. It's all simple cause and effect

Yes, because when whites became a minority in California, they rose up and starting killing everyone. What a fucking dunderhead this guy is. Kill yourself Ant

I do respect Ant's dedication to the white race despite being North African.

What does this nigga care, he's not even WHITE!!!!

So, it seems he’s kind of an idiot. This isn’t disparaging white people. It’s just pointing out that birth rates indicate a shrinking white population and growing non white population. Also he’s a towel headed boy wiener toucher.

Why does he care what white people think? It has nothing to do with him.

Brain addled old degenerate think's he's a conservative talking head.

Does CPM stand for Child Porn Mogul?