Joe Cumia is so stupid that he actually believes he’s smart.

36  2019-08-04 by Officer_McGrady


He's too retarded to understand that he's retarded. Blobby and Vos know that they're idiots. Even bobo knows he's only got half a brain. But fucking Joe actually thinks he's smart. He's the most annoying type of retard.

Joe has acknowledged in his rare humility that he's kinda dumb a couple times. But I think he's so stupid that he forgets and thinks he's smart again for a while.

That's fake humility. Like when he says "Warning, I can be a Bit of A tool!!!!"



Ignorance is bliss!

The Dunning-Kruger Effect

AntH suffers from the Freddy Kruger effect (he looks like him and stalks children)

He is a dream raper after all

The Dummy-Boomer Effect


It was funny when he thought he has a 122 IQ. Eric The Midget got a 90 on Stern when they had the wack pack take IQ tests. Wendy the retard got like a 70. Joe's somewhere in between there.