Once Upon a Time in Hollywood fucking stinks

9  2019-08-04 by wwendell

The ending was fun but the entire movie was worthless. DiCaprio can’t act worth shit. Margot Robbie had like 10 lines in a three hour movie. (She was hot as hell though.) Tarantino peaked at Inglourious Basterds.


I haven't seen it, but hateful eight was his best movie. Inglorious bastards was one of my least favorite

Hateful Eight was dog shit

What was bad about it? I didn’t think it was this best but it entertained me.

You’re a slobbering fool if you enjoyed Hateful Eight. Godawful shock-value drivel. Not as bad as Django but close.

Tarantino peaked with Reservoir Dogs. Basterds was Jewshit.


Where we at with the adult actresses who look like Margot Robbie?

sydney cole.

Kendra Sutherland?

Jamie Pressly

Tarantino can slap his name on any hunk of shit and the faggoty critics and dumb viewing public will lap it up like drones. I was SHOCKED by how bad Django and Hateful Eight were after Basterds was kind of watchable. The Academy voters should be burned alive for giving that phoned-in horseshit a screenplay award.

I heard this new one was getting a lot of shit from the critics which is why I want to see it.


They didn't say nigger enough

They did say “beaner” a few times and made Bruce Lee look like a douchebag for some reason. QT’s working through some Nana issues.

He is losing his touch. I go to his movie I expect to hear a bunch of niggers.

You should come to my local theater.

DiCaprio really is an overrated actor. He’s great in certain roles, but awful in many.

He cant act worth a fucking shit. The last thing I believed him in was Catch Me If You Can. He was great when he was a kid, the minute he got into his 20s/started fucking with Scorsese, it was over. I cant stand him.

You’re still giving him too much credit. The only thing he was marginally good in was Gilbert Grape.

I thought he was fantastic in The Aviator.

Yeah, it was great casting when he had to look 55 years old and still looked like a 24 year old with a fake mustache. Totally who I would have picked.

Good point. He had Kurt Russell pointlessly narrate the movie, he should have just cast him as the lead.

He was good as the homeless kid the Seaver's took in on Growing Pains.

He looked like a kid wearing his dads oversized clothes in shutter island.

Margot Robbie had like 10 lines in a three hour movie.

That's a bad thing? What do you want it to fucking do pass the Bechdel test?

That sucks though. I was actually looking forward to seeing it and I don't like Tarantino that much.

I’m saying at least have the third star in your movie do more than a silicone sex doll.

I have absolutely zero interest in hearing her speak a. Ever heard Sharon Tate herself talk? She was a vapid whore with nothing of interest to say. Tarantino sounds like he's nailed the character.

You know there's some 30 year old guy living in some shitty suburb in Australia that fucked Margot Robbie when he was 15. Aye naye.

I like your summation brotherman. Neanderthals peaked with Sam Roberts


The Celtic Sage predicted it long time ago...