It's bad enough that Joe didn't visit her mom at the end of her life. But that also means he never took his daugter to see her. He denied his her the opportunity to spend time with her grandma. As a result she didn't care at all when she died and spent the entire funeral playing on an ipad.

34  2019-08-02 by Jim-sucks-shit



So many typos. It hurts

Nice try with the hate.

Back atcha

One of my earliest childhood memories is getting in trouble for chasing fireflies outside the funeral home at my great grandmother's funeral. It was in a different state and I had never seen them before, plus iPads hadn't been invented yet so my simple mind was fascinated. My mom let me know that children are expected to act a certain way at funerals and running around playing ain't it. Joe has endless lectures for his daughter about respecting our flag but she'll never learn to behave properly in social situations.

A room with a casket with a deceased person inside is a place for quiet reflection, respect for the deceased and their mourning friends and family, and prayer. It's not a fucking Chuck E. Cheese. Weren't the kids also dressed super casually like they're going to a picnic? Embarrassing family. I feel sorry for the people who were there mourning their own losses in other rooms having to deal with these loud and rude Cumia's next door.

In the old days there were separate funeral homes for Cumias.

Those are called ditches

The fucking dumbass wore his 82nd Airborne souvenir baseball cap and sunglasses at somebody's wedding that he mooched his way into with Dawn and was probably asked repeatedly to turn the volume down and stop tapping drum solos on the mic during the vows. He's not the one to teach how to act in social situations.

Tell us about acting in social situations in another giant sentence you Californian welfare recipient

Ol' Moo-N-Mooch Joe

I hate that I know this but she's from Brooklyn and lives in Florida

...and is gainfully employed in a technical field.

Technically, Joe is also gainfully employed in a field. He gains weight grazing all day.

The bermuda grass is comp'd.

Guarantee he was wearing his grandpa nikes at the funeral


Kids nowadays would put their fingers up the other kids ass ring


Joe didn't see Layla on her iPad because he was in the bathroom changing his diaper.

Had he not been changing his diaper, he would've used her iPad to tweet at Ron Perlman.

Yeah, but look how happy she was to see granny in a casket, while on the ipad Uncle Nana bought her.

Please obscure the faces of the innocents. It's not their fault their family is garbage and posted this on public social media.

No Airborne veteran would do that to their mother

The title of this post is so poorly written I'm inclined to think Joe wrote it himself.

Within the last five years who did she see more: her grandmother, or Kurt Love?

She sees uncle Anthony molesting her.

Who lets their kid bring a fucking iPad to a funeral? What?

There's a picture floating around of Joe's daughter and Dawns son in the front row and yeah they're on an iPad. It's fucking trashy as hell.

Jesus Christ. It never fucking ends, does it?