Notice how JoeH never defends the honor of his Frau

16  2019-08-02 by Rich_Vos_Rolex

He's a real gentleman, isn't he? He's more concerned about our opinion of his guitar skills, and our knowledge of him allegedly hosting a convicted kid-toucher at his home.

Obviously he's an Airborne veteran.


No defense of Carol whatsoever and yet when you make a minor jab at Anthony it sends him into a belligerent tailspin. Tells you all you need to know

He’s only interested in the welfare payments due to her dead husband, Mr. Walsh.

How much do Carol's kids hate Joe for leeching off their dead father's money and likely their inheritance?

AMA Request: The Cryptkeeper’s Spawn

What if that 16 year old kid was one of them?



I think even he knows he has a grapes of wrath catchers mitt

I’ll have you know, bud, that JoeH held the door open for CarolH on the People’s Court.

He doesn't seem to care for any of the women in his life, be it his "chick", his dead mother, or his daughter.

He doesn't even really defend his daughter.

Or get her to first period social studies on time...

If I find out what frau means is it gonna make me upset?

Don't worry. It doesn't mean "wife".
