How has the Worm not been cut out of this movie?

17  2019-08-02 by JessupJessupJessup


I mean I like Scorsese but what is he doing?

Dude he cast ‘Al Pacino’ as fucking Jimmy Hoffa. How full of a deck do you think 76 year old Martin Scorsese is playing with.

Michael Shannon looks exactly Hoffa.

Shea Whigam looks like him too, and doesn’t get cast in bigger roles enough.

I don't know the Graham dude is, but he should have a higher billing than Norton.

He's a great actor. He was Al Capone in Boardwalk Empire, "Combo" in the This is England films and recently did the most incredible job of portraying an alcoholic in a British show called The Virtues. He's a seriously talented and well-respected character actor whose name should never be behind (or anywhere near) Norton's ever.

He was good in the last series of line of duty too as the undercover cop. He's always in good stuff too.

Yeah, he's good in everything he's in. First thing I can remember seeing him in was Snatch and I just assumed he was from London, like me, but he's a Scouser.

He's also part Jamaican which gave him the card to play a racist and it not end his career.

Norton would like the part he did when he was shagging a trans sean bean. That was wild.

He's a great actor. He is the racist skinhead in This is England among many other great rolls he's had.

"Don't you fucking dare backchat me or I will slay you now where you fucking stand, you fucking Paki cunt!"

The Falklands? The fucking Falklands? What the fuck's the Falklands?!

That movie rules and he was legitimately discomforting in it.

Did you see the tv series? His last scene in it stayed with me for a while. Great actor.

Nice role, stupid. This is England was fucking excellent though. Haven't been a big fan of the series.

Also notice how the trailer hides their mouth's? Because that De-Aging shit makes them look like they're in the Polar Express.

I hope that is photoshoped

can someone with twitter go post stupid chip pic with his pants off to them and anyone else in the move with the work doc link?

The movie looks like self-indulgent horseshit. All of these guys (Scorsese included) should have followed Pesci's lead and retired 20 years ago. And he should've stayed retired.

Don't think I've been interested in a Scorsese production since Shutter Island.

I haven't loved a film of his since Casino. Even the Departed felt paint-by-number and a poorer version of the original Hong Kong movie, partly because I can never buy DiCaprio as anything resembling a "tough guy." Am struggling to think of a single Scorsese film since Casino that made any lasting impression on me.

I think if the cast wasn't so strong it would've received a lot more shit, fucking sickens me that it was the film he finally got the academy award for rather than any of his classics.

Bringing Out the Dead is the only other one after Casino that I really love, one of Cages better performances & I don't ever see anyone talk about it.

Bringing Out the Dead is the only other one after Casino that I really love, one of Cages better performances & I don't ever see anyone talk about it.

Yeah, I haven't actually seen that. Always meant to but never got round to it. One day maybe.

I domt want annnnyyyy part of this movie

I really, really hope jimmy pulls this one out of the bag and puts on an award winning performance. Then when hes actually famous he can be outed as a rapist and pervert and run out of the business